AC Rp.780.000 / person
Non AC Rp.660.000/person (Minimal 8 people)
Start from Semarang by Fast boat in Tanjung Mas seaport on Saturday
Depart on Monday with Ferry boat Jepara (Kartini Seaport)
Package Inclusive of:
Boat Ticket, Came and Went AC
Accomodation AC/ Non AC (Standard Accommodation like Wisma Apung and Wisma Wisata Jepara) 1 room for 2 people
Eat six times
Take and Pick up to Homestay
Tour Visiting twice to four island (Cemara island, Menjangan Kecil island, Menjangan Besar island, Gelam foreland)
Glass Boat
Banana Boat
Guide, Search and Rescue Distress
AC Rp. 660.000 / person
Non AC Rp. 540.000/ person (Minimal 6 people)
Start from Jepara (Kartini Seaport) by Ferry boat on Saturday
Depart on Monday with Ferry boat Jepara (Kartini Seaport)
Package Inclusive of:
Ferry Boat Ticket, Came and Went AC
Standard Accommodation like Wisma Apung and Wisma Wisata Jepara) 1 room for 2 people
Eat six times
Take and Pick up to Homestay
Tour Visiting twice to four island (Cemara island, Menjangan Kecil island, Menjangan Besar island, Gelam headland)
Glass Boat
Banana Boat
Guide, Search and Rescue Distress
AC Rp. 730.000 / Person
Non AC Rp. 610.000/ Person (Minimal 8 People)
Start from Semarang by Fast boat in Tanjung Mas Seaport on Saturday
Depart on Monday by Fast boat in Tanjung Mas Seaport Semarang
Package Inclusive of:
Fast Boat Ticket, Came and Went AC
Accomodation AC/ Non AC (Standard Accommodation like Wisma Apung and Wisma Wisata Jepara) 1 room for 2 people
Eat Four times
Take and Pick up to Homestay
Tour Visiting twice to four island (Cemara island, Menjangan Kecil island, Menjangan Besar island, Gelam headland)
Glass Boat
Banana Boat
Guide, Search and Rescue Distress
- Price can change anytime
- Special Discount for entourage more than 10 people
- Tour schedule can change at any times, depended wheater condition
- Providing rent a car
To wishing Accommodation matching with desire hope confirmation before.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Located at HOS Cokroaminoto street 10 Jepara. service time at 7 AM till 5 PM except Sunday.Customer care:(0291) 591227. http://www/jepara.go.id and email: kdejpr@yahoo.com.
In this library there are around 25.500 books(Contain fiction/non fiction book and erudite masterpiece).
- Child garden
- Read garden(in jepara town square and Kartini beach)
- Rotating library (in 36 service location which spread over in all district jepara which is 2 week once to every service location)
- Internet (wi-fi and hotspot area)
- canteen
- praying place
- Photocopy
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Manik Cave is located sumanding, keling sub-district, jepara regency for about 5 Km and near by Songgolangit waterfall.
If we want to visit that area, we must be careful because the street is slippery, steep and sheer.
There are two caves near standing. But, one cave position under waterfall.
One of them in the cave used Begawan Manikyoso to acquire magical power. But now many people used to acquire magical power to reached their wishes.
Post by: Cholie.takkyza JTIC.
Ujung watu village, keling sub-district or 45 Km North of Jepara city near by Portuguese fortress.
A long time ago, tritip cave used by mbah joyo kusumo to acquire magical power then people called “petilasan place”. Every Thursday night given “sesajen” content sugar drink and coffee. But every wage Thursday night that sesajen adds young coconut and red-white porridge. Around this area any wood boat. That boat is mbah joyo kusumo ascetic place. But now, the boat which located in tritip cave lost a part because people who visited that cave used to campfire and the others.
Usually Visitor came on wage Thursday night so that their wish will be true after do that to acquire magical power over there though mediator by mbah joyo kusumo to God
By: Cholie Takkyza.doc
SELAYAR MINA BEACH, the Jepara Mangrove seed.
This beach located in Ujung piring Jambu village sub-district Mlonggo, 17 Km northside from Jepara City center. there are many fisherman here. they are sailing to look for fish almost of them going to karimunjawa island which gone through during on night from this beach.
We also find mangrove in this beach. wide of mangrove is 20 ha with seed Rhizopora Sp So this area Potential enough to be developed as target of tourism place beside as conservation farm ( natural protection) / coast of abrasion.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
"Alamoya" Water Boom of Jepara
Water Boom Alamoya is one of swimming pool residing in Jepara, exactly in Bapangan RT.02 RW.01 for about 2,5 km eastwards of Jepara town square. Alamoya water boom is opened on 1 March 2008 with amount of employees 12 people. Water Boom Alamoya develop up by Ir. Dedy Sugianto and managed by Anshori and Anto.
Open : Everyday at 07.30 AM - 06.00 PM (GMT+7)
( Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday till 08.00 PM)
Ticket : Children : Rp. 7.000,-
Adult : Rp. 9.000,-
Member : Rp. 50.000,- (ten times for 2 months)
Facilities : - Rent Swimming Clothes : Rp. 5.000,-
- Rent Swimming Board : Rp. 2.000,-
- Rent Tire : Rp. 3.000,-
- Cafetaria
Post By : Cholie.T for JTIC
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Tirta Samudra Beach
Tirta Samudra Beach or more known by the public society with Bandengan beach placed + 7 km North side from city centre. The beach which has pure water and white sand is suitable for bathing place. There are many tourists come into this object to do intentional bathing frequently. Generally they are children, youngsters and foreign countries tourists. Usually, the most favourite moment is in the morning and in the evening toward twilight where there is mesmerizing susset panorama.In this location, we can sit and relax on the shelter while enjoy the natural beach breezy wind (unpolluted). The tourism object location has large field and the whole of part the dence pandan trees are grown. It is suitable for young sters activities such as camping, beach volley, relax bicycled for the same activities. Besides the above montained below, in this area can be used the play motorcross and kitten festival for the regional level, national level also international. The object can be reached easily by public transportation, because have provided the asphalt road infrastructure and the direct city transportation are a valuable to the location above. Meanwhile, roasted fish, small crab, boiled tortoise shell and pindang srani are a special foods that can be enjoyed by the visitors
Based on history record, Bandengan Beach has tight correlation with the life of National Hero and Woman Emansipation figure, RA Kartini. The mentioned beacs was interesting place for the sins and daughters of Jepara Regency Regent, because there were may sweet memorizes there. The energetic girl who was usually calles TRINIL often made a tour to the Bandengan beach when she was child. She played with her family in the edge of beach which the white sand spread out. RA Kartini described her heart and soul as if she was one to the sea wave pounding when she wrote letters to Stella, her friend in Holland.Netherlands Indies Aristricrate, Mrs. Ovink Soer (Assistance Residence wife) with her husband invited Kartini and her little sisters Roekmini and Kardinah to enjoy the beach beauty in the first vacation toward promotion of the class. Kartini and her two little sisters followed Mrs. Ovink Soer find shell and they chased each other to avoid the wafe. Mrs. Ovink Soer asked to Kartini what the beach name was. Kartini answered shortly “Bandengan Beach”. Then Mrs. Ovink Soer said that there was beach which almost the same with Bandengan Beach in Holland, but there was little different because it had cool water the name is SCHEVENINGEN. Spontaniously, after listening, Kartini intermitted “…so, we called
It…..this Bandengan Beach with “KLEIN SCHEVENINGEN”.
Started the above mentioned, until now Bandengan Beach Has been known as KLEIN SCHEVENINGEN (in Dutch KLEIN means : beach and SCHEVENINGEN is the beach name in Holland).
Besides Bandengan beach was the place where had carved the history journey of RA Kartini idea. In this place RA Kartini and Mr. Abendanon also conducted four eyes conversation. The conversation connected her request to study in Holland, even finally her formal request to Netherlands Indies Government was reversed and the cost of her study was given to young man from Sumatera, Agus Salim (KH. Agus Salim).While it was narrated that Bandengan beach tourism object had correlated with the legend of Karimunjawa name. In that legend had been stated that because it was otivated the sense concern about his son naughtiness, therefore Sunan Muria instructed his son Amir Hasan to go to the North for an island that appeared “Kremun-kremun” from the peak of Muria Mountain. The journey aim was to deep once to develop the religion. Lather the Island had been named Karimunjawa. That arrived to the beach in the journey and there were many swamps and milkfishes there. Until now this place had been named Bandengan village and the beach which place in the village had been called Bandengan Beach
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Jepara's Artistry
Routine Performance five times in one year moment of saturday "legi" at 08.00 (GMT+7) Jepara Shopping Center. Where each time its staging is brought by two puppeteer, five singer and for about twenty people of "pangrawit", what is sometimes alternated by "campur sari" After staging, performed sarasehan of ajang puppeteer humanity expression. According to Mr. Drs.Suliyono,MM as Chief of Local Area Commision II Association Of Puppetry of Indonesia ( PEPADI). Contact Person: Mr. Muthohar (0291) 595980
Emprak represent musical dance accompanied with music of "slawatan" storytelling about story birth of Prophet of Muhammad S.A.W. Emprak may be spelled out members to represent a demonstration of existing story content in Book of Barzanji.Function artistry of Emprak only as entertainment amusement or look on habit. This artistry born at around year 1927 in countryside of Pleret / mejing, Limestone, Sleman.
Its Creator is Kyai Derpo, he is son and a serving so called palace of Dipowedono. Amount of player of this artistry gyrate 30 one who consist of 20 dancer people and 10 people player of attendant or castanets.
In the begining dancer of Emprak consist of men all, but in the year 1950 strarting there is dancer of woman.
They are have age between 15 up to 35 year old.
Costume weared by all player of Emprak have the character of realistic and orient to Arab, while its make up is realistic, there is also which is not realistic.
Player costume consist of turban, "kupluk" ( black or rose colored peci), shawl, cloth, long shirt, "blangkon" (traditional java head), chasuble and others.
utilized stage in the form of arena, what usually is verandah of ancient palace of resident houses or verandah of ancient palace of countryside hall.
Floor circle design at the timeof certain also use straight line.
Castanets weared by is flying amounting to 6, and castanets weared by "Sholawatan Maulud", what consist of "kendang (dodog and beb), kenting, kempul, ketuk and gong".
Sometime still added again with "kentongan". Usually show carried out at night during more or less 8 hours start from 21.00 PM until 05.00 AM. At past, light facilities weared by lamp of triom but now have utilized lamp of "petromak".
Tayub Dance or event of "Tayuban". Representing one of Javanese art element of beauty and compatibility of motion. This dance look like with dance of Jaipong at West Java. Followably dancer in acting brought dance. dance of Tayub look like with dance of "Gambyong" more Central Java's popular dance. This Dance habit performed at wedding party, xxxkhitan and also most big event likes Independence day of Indonesia. Celebration of victory in election of countryside head, and also clean event of countryside. Member which follow in this artistry consist of "sinden" (javanese singer), orderer of "gamelan" (traditional music of java) and also dancer especially woman. Dancer of "Tayub" dance can be conducted by self or groups. Execution of event executed at midnight around 9.00 PM until 03.00 AM (GMT+7). Dancer of "Tayub" dance more knowledgeable with initiation of "ledhek".
The History of Lomban Party
BODYGROUNDLomban party in Jepara used to be a fisherman’s party in Jepara area, nowadays Lomban party belongs to all Jeparanese. This party is the top of Lebaran day celebration, held a week after "Lebaran day".
Lomban party is also called as “Bakda Kupat”. Jepara people celebrate the Lomban party with several traditional food like “Lepet” and “Kupat”, that’s why Lomban is also know as “Bakda Kupat” instead of “Lepet”and “Kupat”, Jeparanese also serve other delicious foods such as : opor ayam, sambal goreng, oseng-oseng, etc.Kupat is a popular food during the Lebaran day celebration to Indonesian people particularly to Central Java people. Kupat is made of rice covered with young leaves of coconut tree which is rectangularly shaped, while ’lepet’ (another traditional food served during Lebaran day) is made of sticky rice, added with special flavour, also covered with young leaves of coconut tree, same with “Kupat” but has different is shape. Jeparanese celebrate the Lomban party by visiting the tourist object in Jepara Regency. The most favourite tourist object is Kartini Beach.The word “Lomban” comes from “Lomba” which means “compete” there is also opinion which all that the word of “Lomban” comes from the word “Lelumban” which means “Pleasure”.
ANCIENT LOMBANLomban party has been celebrated more than 100 years. It was proven by the news of Lomban in “Slompret Melayu” (name of newspaper) published in 12 and 17 August 1993. The news told that ancient Lomban is similar to nowadays Lomban Party, also told that the centre of ancient Lomban was Jepara bay an ended in kelor Island which is now called Kartini Beach.
The party started early in the morning. Fishermen braught their tools and some traditional food. They also prepare “special ammunition” used in “battle”. The special ammunition were ketupat, lepet, and kolang-kaling. The fisherman’s ship sailed to the “battle area” accompanied by gamelan “Kebogiro” (Jeparanese traditional music). War was begun by fishermen by throwing the special ammunition one to the others.When the war was ended, the fisherman returned to place where he started that was Kelor Island. The fishermen also visited Encik Lanang’s grave located on Kelor Island. Before the dark, the fisherman and viewer returned to their own house.
NOWADAYS LOMBAN PARTYNowadays lomban party is not only celebrated by the fishermen, but also celebrated by all Jeparanese people. Two days or 1 day before lomban party, the market is fully crowded. Atmosphere is nearly same with a week before Lebaran day. Kupat and Lepet are mostly seen in each side of a market.
On the date of Lomban party, the market has no activity because the seller and buyer celebrate lomban party in Kartini beach. The lomban party is started at 06.00 am by throwing offering to the sea. This event is held in TPI Jobokuto an led by Moslem public figure of Jobokuto village. The event is attended by the head of Jepara regency government and the staffs. The offering which is buffalo head is thrown to the sea by the head of Jepara regency government. The purpose of the offering is to thank to the god for his blessing and convenience.
The offering of head of buffalo was started in 1920 during the Haji Sidiq’s administration as head of Ujung Batu village.Celebration of Lomban party is centered in Kartini beach area. The beach area is visited more than 40.000 visitors during lomban party.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The Legend and History of Jepara Art of Carving
- In the time of queen Kalinyamat administration, lived a governor named Sungging Badarduwung. The governor came from Campa (Cambodia) was a carver. Now his high valuecarving block can be seen in Mantingan Old Mosque and also can be found in queen Kalinyamat’s grave which was built in 16th century.
- The fall of Majapahit Kingdom has caused the spread of Hindu artist to many regions in the beginning of 16th century. In the expansion, the artist keep expanding their skill by adapting the special motif in the new region. The mixture between original hindu motif and special motif in the new region create new motif such as Majapahit, Bali, Mataram, and Jepara motif which are developing in Jepara.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Kartini Beach
Actually, Kartini beach is more popular as “PEMANDIAN”. This nick name is common to most of Jeparanese. If someone mentions a word “Pemandian”, that he or she thinks Kartini Beach, not the other thinks Kartini Beach, not the other places.
The word “PEMANDIAN” means a place for taking a bath. The use of the word “Pemandian” is common, because there is a special bathing place for tourist while visiting the beach. The place is located on the western park of Kartini Beach. Visitors usually take bath at dosk and down. Until now this location is still used for taking a bath especially by people who have skin irritation with a hope that the irritation will recover soon.
Kartini Beach area was an island sprouted up with Kelor Plan, so it was know as Kelor Island. At that time, the island was separated from Jepara land. Because of the sedimentation, among the island was lived by Encik Lanang.
The island was lent by the Netherland Indies Government to Encik Lanang for his achievement on a war in Bali.
Kartini Beach also used as Encik Lanang grave yard, and always attended by the local fishermen before the Lomban Party.
Besides that, Kartini Beach can’t be separated from RA Kartini’s childhood. She and her parent and also her sisters spent their vacation in this beach. That’s name is purposed to respect and remaind us to Kartini’s struggle.
The History and Legend of “Hian Thian Siang Tee”
OVERVIEW Welahan Pagoda called “Hian Thian Siang Tee” is located 24 km south of Jepara city center, exactly at Welahan village, Welahan Sub-distric, Jepara Distric, a village with ancient Chinese heirloom and becoming one of the historic tourism assets in Jepara, where strongly standing two pagodas built by a Chinese traditional healer named Tan Siang Boe together with his elder brother named Tan siang Djie. Visiting for this tourism historic object, some asphalted road or infrastructure through whom prospective tourists can pass by and get on 2-wheeled or 4-wheeled vehicles or many other public transports, as the location is nearby Welahan traditional market.
Gratefully for his treatment, while landing at Singapore, Tasu provided a gift in his express of thanks to Tan Siang Boe in the form of a bag with Tionggoan heirloom consisting of : a piece of Sien Tjhiang (smooth paper painted with His Excellency Hian Siang Tee), a stick of pokian (a Chinese sword), a Hio Lauw (place for dust from cremation), and a Tjioe Hwat (a book of medicine / forecast).After Tan Siang Boe arrived at Semarang, overnight staying in Kong Kwan’s group house where he got an information that his elder brother was in Welahan Jepara, so he left for meeting Tan Siang Djie, his elder brother living together in a house with Liem Tjoe Tien’s family.This house is located at a gang way along side Welahan and now used for keeping the heirloom called Pagoda as a place for praying and respected by each Chinese believing in. After some time ago,Tian Siang Boe staying with his elder brother in Welahan, once upon a time, he went to work for another place In that case, the heirloom were entrustede to his elder brother considering that it was necessary to save the heirloom, so Tan Tjoe Tien entrusted the heirloom to the house owner, Liem Tjoe Tien, who always kept the heirloom up the balcony of his house. At that time, in general, he did not know what heirloomit was kept up the balcony During the storage up the balcony, every 3rd of Sha Gwa’s birth, i.e., Imlek of Seng Tan Djiet from Hian Thian Siang Tee, the heirloom sparked a magic power like sparkling-out fire, sometime like a very marvelous fire-dragon and turtle that made the house settlers gor surprised. This event made him to call back Tan Siang Boe, the entrustee of the heirloom to Welahan to open the heirloom kept in the bag up the balcony. Opening and showing the heirloom to the members of the house settlers, he said that the heirloom were the relic from His Excellency Hian Thiam Siang Tee, so since then, the heirloom were praised according to the ancestor’s custom and tradition.
One day, Liem Tjoe Tian fallen in hard sickand it could be recovered by the magic power of the heirloom. With this event, mouth to mouth talk by people made the power famous, respected and praised among people believing in till now.
Accordingly, the only heirloom of ancient Chinese for the first time coming into Indonesia as brought by Tan Siang Boe is that kept at Welahan, so it is believed that the existence of Welahan pagoda is the oldest one in Indonesia.With this existence of pagoda in Welahan, not only dominated by Chinese ethnic, but alsonatives coming frommany cities or peovinces asking for treatment, destiny, partners, planting and advancement in bussines, etc.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
RA. Kartini Museum at Glance
This room contains of RA Kartini’s heritage, including her portraits when she was alive.
- Portrait of her handwritten letter which she sent to her peenpal in Netherland
- Her only sons portrait, Raden Mas Singgih.
- Her fathers portrait, RMAA Sosroningrat.
- Her mothers Portrait, MA Ngasirah.
- Learning desk.
- Souvenir made by her students.
- Special device udes to paint clothes.
- Kartinis genealogy.
- Portraits of backyard of Jepara City Hall.
- Botekan (medicine box used to keep herbs).
- Original sew machine belongs to her students.
- Sofa chairs which was used for rest
- Treatment bed which was also used for his final rest
- Portrait of Merapi Mount and Lawu Mount, not taken by using satellite or airplane but taken by his supranatural skill
- Yoga room
- Framed picture of alif (Arabic 1st letter) used to know the result of the cure
- Etc.
Contain of many stuffs from Queen Shima era in 7th century. Queen Shima was a queen of Kalingga Kingdom belong to Keling Sub-Distric.
- Portrait of Kalingga Kingdom’s stuff made of gold and platinum
- The statue of Trimurti and Siwa Mahaguru
- Yoni and lingga
- Coins
- A block of carve stone, similar with the ornament which is settle on wall of Mantingan Mosque
- A set of gamelan (old Javanese traditional music instrument)
Ceramic stuffs founded in Karimunjava sea rooms, such as:
Besides all those stuffs mentioned above, in this room there are also some samples of Jepara traditional handicraft, as follows:
- Carving wood
- Traditional
- Monel (a kind of white steel)
- Ceramic stuffs
- Rattan and Bamboo souvenir
In this room we can find the skeleton of giant fish called “Joko Tuo”, which has 16 m in length and 2 m width. The fish was founded in 1989 by the local fisherman of Karimunjava. According the archeologist, the fish belong to elephant fish family. It is proven by the tusk which belong to the fish is similar with elephant curved tusk but most of visitor belief that the fish is a kind whale.
History of Jepara Front Verandah
This front verandah consist of several rooms :The front room is functioned as an important room to wellcome special guest, held the official meeting, and also used pleace for traditional dancing practice. In this room, the originality of the building is well kept,including the floor vertical bar which are now covering which carving block, the landmark of Jepara. The roof was restored in 1980 by Dinas Purbakala but the restoration did not change the original shape.
Paringitan room, this room is also well keep, proven by the originality of the floor and the vertical bars. It is functioned as room to welcome important guest and sometimes used as public dinning room.
Rono kaputren is a name of room which is only functioned as bedroom for the daughters of the head of Jepara Regency. Marked with special hole carving, while Rono Kaputran, room for the sons has no hole carving. On the left side of rono kaputran is aworking room of Jepara regency secretary and on the right side. Is working room for head of Jepara regency government.
Rono kaputren was used as room to limit Kartini’s activity when She was teenage. According to ancient Javanese culture, a teenage noble girl has to stay at home and conduct her activity inside until she get merried. Family room was no longer used as its real function, nowadays used as room the welcome very important guest. Kartini’s bedroom when she was a child,while she’s a child Kartini shared this room with her brothers and sisters. This room was devided into four area limited by special wall. In 1980 the floor were covered with white tile. Then we enter pingitan room, which has 3 m in width and 4 m in length, pingitan means limited, so pingitan room used to limit Kartini’s activity.
Brief History of RA. Kartini
The first pure air breathed by Kartini was Mayong village air (a village located 22 km south ward of town center). She was born by MA Ngasirah, an ordinary woman merried by Sosroningrat. Kartini’s eyes when she’s a baby shained bright, as if she was watching the future.
The days passed by, she did anything she wants though it was forbidden. She lived her childhoot cheerfully and she became an energetic girl. For her energetic activity, her father called her “TRINIL”. In 1980 Kartini’s sister was born by RA Woeryan (RMAA Sosroningrat’s second wife) and named RA Roekmini. A year later RMAA Sosroningrat was pointed as a head of Jepara Regency Gorernment. He and his family than moved from Mayong to Jepara and lived in Jepara City Hall Complex.
In the same year, Kartini’s second sister was born and named RA Kardinah, Kartini was so happy because of her two sister. Environment of Jepara City Hall gave big chance for Kartini to develop her activity.
Kartini’s curiousness meet her parents pay huge attention to her growth. She was a creative and smart girl, not like her two sisters. Because of her leadership, she rarely argued with her two sisters. She and her two sisters were called “TIGA SERANGKAI”.

When she was in EUROPESE LAGERE SCHOOL, she showed her great ability. Her skill in learning dutch language was excellent no wonder if she cold compete with dutch students both boys and girls.
In a day off, Kartini and her two sisters were asked to accompany Mrs. Ovink Soer and her husband visiting Bandengan beach. Bandengan Beach is located on Bandengan village, 7 km north ward Jepara Town center.
The beach was often described by Kartini in her letters which she’s sent to her peenpall in Netherland. She and her two sisters followed Mrs. Ovink Soer searching for cockle shells. Mrs. Ovink Soer asked Kartini about the beach name, and replied by Kartini that the name of the beach ia Bandengan.
Then Mrs. Ovink Soer then told then in Netherland there’s also a beach look bandengan called “Klein Scheveningen”. Spontaneously Kartini had an idea to name bandengan as “Klein Scheveningen”.
Few years later finishing her study in Europe lagere school, RA Kartini’s willing to continue her study in higher level but unfortunately she faced Javanese traditional rule which forbids woman to go to school. Moreover she’s a noble girl, she had to be secluded according to Javanese traditional rule called “pingitan”.
According to Javanese traditional rule, a teenage girl has to be secluded and limited her activity, including Kartini. During her “pingitan time” (a time where a teenage girl is keep inside the house and forbidden to go out until a man propose her), Kartini spent her time by reading book which she got from her relative. She believed that sadness and crying would not change anything.
She ever also asked a scholarship to dutch government and it was approved by the dutch, but finally the scholarship was given to H Agus Salim (one of Indonesian national hero).

In September 13, 1904 Kartini gave birth a baby boy named Singgih. Giving a birth, her condition was getting worse and worse and she finally passed away on September 17 1904 on her 25 year old aged.
Now RA Kartini has gone, but her dream and spirit will always be in our heart. Nowadays Indonesian women progress is hugely influenced by Kartini’s spirit stated on her valuable book “Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang”.
History and Legend of Mantingan Mosque and Grave
Reaching this Mosque and grave is quite easy, because public transportation in available. The people of Mantingan are mostly Moslem and work in furniture industry.
from Demak kingdom. He then was callet “Sultan Hadirin” and throned as ‘Adipati Jepara’ until he passed away and finally was buried beside the Mosque which he had built.
In the graveyard area, his wife and his Chinese relative named CIE GWI GWAN were also buried. The graveyard fully crowdedat “Khol” (the day where people commemorate the death of Sultan Hadiri’s death) also at ceremonial moment to change banner covered the Sultan’s tomb. This ceremonial moment is held once a year at 17 Robiul Awal (month of Moslem calendar), same with the date of Jepara anniversary.
The grave is believed by many people that has magical power. Husband and wife who haven’t got any child yet supposed to visit the grave yard and pick some fallen pace fruits. The ‘Pace’ fruit then has to be eaten by the husband and wife, if god may permit, the husband and wife will get baby.
Another magical power in this grave is the holy water, local people believe that the water used to get the truth of someone. Jeparanase people use this water when they are facing a problem by drinking the water, but it’s just a belief, you may believe or not.
Event Calendar

