Saturday, May 17, 2008

Tirta Samudra Beach

Bandengan Beach Gateaway (Jepara Tourism Info)


Tirta Samudra Beach or more known by the public society with Bandengan beach placed + 7 km North side from city centre. The beach which has pure water and white sand is suitable for bathing place. There are many tourists come into this object to do intentional bathing frequently. Generally they are children, youngsters and foreign countries tourists. Usually, the most favourite moment is in the morning and in the evening toward twilight where there is mesmerizing susset panorama.In this location, we can sit and relax on the shelter while enjoy the natural beach breezy wind (unpolluted). The tourism object location has large field and the whole of part the dence pandan trees are grown. It is suitable for young sters activities such as camping, beach volley, relax bicycled for the same activities. Besides the above montained below, in this area can be used the play motorcross and kitten festival for the regional level, national level also international. The object can be reached easily by public transportation, because have provided the asphalt road infrastructure and the direct city transportation are a valuable to the location above. Meanwhile, roasted fish, small crab, boiled tortoise shell and pindang srani are a special foods that can be enjoyed by the visitors

Bath go out to sea with family (Jepara Tourism Info) Bandengan beach like Klein of Scheveningen in Dutch which have white sand and clearly water(Jepara Tourism Info)


Based on history record, Bandengan Beach has tight correlation with the life of National Hero and Woman Emansipation figure, RA Kartini. The mentioned beacs was interesting place for the sins and daughters of Jepara Regency Regent, because there were may sweet memorizes there. The energetic girl who was usually calles TRINIL often made a tour to the Bandengan beach when she was child. She played with her family in the edge of beach which the white sand spread out. RA Kartini described her heart and soul as if she was one to the sea wave pounding when she wrote letters to Stella, her friend in Holland.Netherlands Indies Aristricrate, Mrs. Ovink Soer (Assistance Residence wife) with her husband invited Kartini and her little sisters Roekmini and Kardinah to enjoy the beach beauty in the first vacation toward promotion of the class. Kartini and her two little sisters followed Mrs. Ovink Soer find shell and they chased each other to avoid the wafe. Mrs. Ovink Soer asked to Kartini what the beach name was. Kartini answered shortly “Bandengan Beach”. Then Mrs. Ovink Soer said that there was beach which almost the same with Bandengan Beach in Holland, but there was little different because it had cool water the name is SCHEVENINGEN. Spontaniously, after listening, Kartini intermitted “…so, we called
It…..this Bandengan Beach with “KLEIN SCHEVENINGEN”.
Started the above mentioned, until now Bandengan Beach Has been known as KLEIN SCHEVENINGEN (in Dutch KLEIN means : beach and SCHEVENINGEN is the beach name in Holland).
Besides Bandengan beach was the place where had carved the history journey of RA Kartini idea. In this place RA Kartini and Mr. Abendanon also conducted four eyes conversation. The conversation connected her request to study in Holland, even finally her formal request to Netherlands Indies Government was reversed and the cost of her study was given to young man from Sumatera, Agus Salim (KH. Agus Salim).While it was narrated that Bandengan beach tourism object had correlated with the legend of Karimunjawa name. In that legend had been stated that because it was otivated the sense concern about his son naughtiness, therefore Sunan Muria instructed his son Amir Hasan to go to the North for an island that appeared “Kremun-kremun” from the peak of Muria Mountain. The journey aim was to deep once to develop the religion. Lather the Island had been named Karimunjawa. That arrived to the beach in the journey and there were many swamps and milkfishes there. Until now this place had been named Bandengan village and the beach which place in the village had been called Bandengan Beach

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